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Exposures are HARD



Designing and implementing exposures sounds easy in concept, but can be hard in practice.


It is hard to know where to start, how to push, and how far to go.




Through this toolkit, we hope to:


  • Provide an overview of the rationale, theory for, and effective delivery of exposures.

  • Highlight some of the nuances, common pitfalls, and things to avoid in the delivery of exposure therapy.

  • Illustrate advanced exposures that may initially seem uncomfortable for therapists, but ultimately have clinical value– in other words, demonstrate that it is okay for exposures to seem odd or anxiety provoking to most people, and in fact may be the best clinical approach for some anxious youth! 

  • Provide an array of exposure options (“challenge cards”) for the most common anxiety presentations in youth. We know that ongoing consultation with an expert in youth anxiety treatment to design tailored exposures for individual youth is not always feasible. We hope that this toolkit can serve as a way to stimulate ideas for additional exposure options that are best suited for a specific child or teenager.​






Toolkit Contents
What can you find on this website? What does this toolkit include?



Suggestions on practice and research-based journal articles, treatment manuals, and books worth browsing through.

Note of Caution
Some things to consider before tackling the contents of this toolkit! â€‹
Tips and Tricks


Disorder-specific tips and tricks to help you provide the best exposure possible.

Challenge Cards


Printable potential exposures for 

for some of the most commonly presenting anxiety disorders in

youth. Can be used directly or to generate ideas for additional exposures!* 


*Templates to make your own are also included here.




Thanks to those who helped create this toolkit and make it accessible.



3535 Market Street

Philadelphia PA, 19103

Tel: 215-573-5614

Fax: 215-349-8715

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